Bake’n Joy Foods is your source for easy baking! Their team has perfected the world’s most delicious and high performing batters, doughs, & mixes created to save time and labor in your busy kitchen. Bake’n Joy also offers some great recipe ideas with items we stock. Take a look and try today:
Southern Skillet Cornbread
- Ultra Moist® Scoop and Bake Corn Batter #7662140
- Vegetable Oil
- Preheat oven to 375°F.
- Gather a cast iron pan (use a No. 8 or No. 10 skillet).
- Pour 1/4 cup of vegetable oil into pan and place in the oven for 5 minutes.
- Remove skillet from oven and scoop 1 # 6 scoop ( white handle) into hot skillet and spread evenly.
- Bake for approximately 12 to 14 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 205°F or is golden brown.
- Remove skillet from oven. Let cool and serve.
- Add fresh cut green peppers, whole kernel corn, and chopped onion
- Corn baked with corned beef hash
- Add diced peppers, onions, and tomatoes

Petite Dessert Cups
- Bake’n Joy 1.25 oz. or 2 oz. Pre-portioned Sugar Cookie Dough #7138217
- Chocolate coating
- Fresh fruit
- Chocolate mousse
- Ice cream
- Generously spray the reverse side of muffin pan with pan release.
- Remove cookies from freezer and place a cookie dough portion on each inverted section of the muffin pan.
- Bake for 8-10 minutes at 325° in convection oven.
- After cookies have cooled carefully remove from pan.
- Dip edges in tempered chocolate or melted chocolate coating.
- Let set for 5-10 minutes.
- Fill cookie cups with fresh fruit, chocolate mousse, ice cream, etc.
Variations: Bake’n Joy Chocolate Chip pre-portioned cookie dough

Grab’n Go Party Muffin
- BNJ Celebration Predeposited 6.25 oz. Muffin #7665923
- White Whoopie Pie Filling #7778415
- Confetti candy
- Bake BNJ Celebration muffin according to instructions on case.
- Remove from oven let cool.
- Slice top of muffin across.
- Place large star tip in pastry bag and fill with BNJ White Whoopie Pie Filling.
- Pipe even swirl of filling and place muffin on top.
- Garnish with candy confetti and finish top with small rosette.
- Bag in Chocolate Whoopie pie donut filling.
- String BNJ Strawberry, Chocolate or white donut icing over top of muffin.
- Pack Celebration muffin in individual grab n go celebrate any event.

Carrot Waffle Cake
- Bake’n Joy Sunsational Batter #7660760
- Cream cheese icing
- Sliced apples
- Pecans
- Carrots
- White Whoopie Pie Filling #7778415
- Remove and thaw Bake’n Joy batter according to instructions.
- Preheat waffle iron and spray/grease iron generously top and bottom.
- Scoop 1 #24 (red handle) scoop of batter into each quadrant of waffle iron.
- Set recommended time for waffles.
- Remove and let cool.
- Scoop 1 #12 (green handle) scoop of white whoopie pie filling onto waffle and spread.
- Repeat this step for four waffles, stacking as you go.
- Rim top with icing.
- Garnish with sliced apples, pecan’s and shredded carrot.
- Cappuccino waffle layered with mascarpone cheese and drizzled with coffee syrup.
- Pistachio waffle layered with raspberry filling and whipped cream.
- Double chocolate layered with chocolate whoopie pie filling and drizzled with chocolate syrup.

Lava Cakes
- BNJ Red Velvet Chocolate Chunk 6.25 pre deposited muffin
- 4” Ring Mold.
- Spray Grease
- BNJ Chocolate Donut dip icing.
- Ice cream if desired.
- Pre heat convection oven 325°F.
- Remove predeposited BNJ muffin from freezer and peel liner off.
- Place muffin in spray greased 4 “ ring mold on parchment lined tray.
- Bake approximately 16 to 18 minutes or internal temperature to 180°F to 185°F
- Remove from oven place ring mold on plate and remove ring.
- String cake with BNJ Chocolate donut dip icing.
- Serve with desired flavor Ice cream.
- Note: should cake bake over Internal suggested temperature.
- Squeeze chocolate syrup in middle to enhance cake flow when served.
Variations: BNJ Double Chocolate, Pistachio, Butter Rum, French toast, Peach, Raspberry, Chocolate & Yellow pudding cake.

Cookie Sticks
- BNJ 3.25 oz. Chip n Chunk Cookie
- Norpro 3964 Cream Canoe Pan (click link to order pan).
- Baking spray pan release.
- Dark coating chocolate or chocolate chips.
- Non Perils or festive sprinkles
- On parchment paper lined sheet tray, place 8 BNJ 3.25 oz.
- Chip n Chunk cookie dough from freezer. Thaw 10 minutes.
- Pre-heat convection oven to 325°F.
- Spray pan release lightly and mold cookie dough into stick pan.
- Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Internal temperature 200°F. (Let cool and remove sticks onto screen).
- Warm preferred chocolate in microwave to 95°F to 100°F.
- Dip bottom of cookie in chocolate or drizzle chocolate on top and place on parchment lined tray.
- Sprinkle decorations lightly or dip & string with remaining warmed chocolate.
- BNJ 3.25 oz. Oatmeal Raisin or Sugar, dipped in Danish donut icing
- Any BNJ scoop and precut per size of stick trying to create.
- Place Popsicle stick in cookie and decorative clear wrap, bow for signature look.

All recipes found at